"Who are you talking to?" The echoes of her recommendations are clear. For Prince, identifying your purpose requires an understanding of whom you want to impact, how and why.
Her recommendations represent a journey she embarked on from San Diego to Miami to pursue her dreams, and the path she followed to attract her dream girl.
Today's ZIMRothschild Unicorn Feature is Prince, an established social media influencer on a refined path to becoming the voice she needed as a child.
"She came in my room naked and beat me with a Bible."
Prince's coming-out story is one only her mother can explain. When she was a teenager, her mother, a woman with deep Christian beliefs from Guyana, recalls that "the Holy Spirit told me to go through Prince's phone." Following the Holy Spirit's instructions, Prince's mother discovered lewd photos and messages with a female love interest.
Stunned and in disbelief, her mother confronted Prince. Still discovering her own identity, Prince said she was bisexual, a sexual preference her mother strongly disapproved of. After a call with a close friend confirmed Prince’s attraction to women, Prince says her mother "lost it."
Her mother, pregnant at the time, stormed upstairs to find Prince. In her confused path of rage she grabbed a Bible and ripped off her clothes before bursting into Prince's room fully naked.
"Is this what you like?! Is this what you like?!" she demanded before hitting Prince with the Bible. Looking back, Prince remembers thinking, "She thought she could beat it out of me."
Although the two laugh about the incident today, it took patience, repentance, and learning to mend their relationship—something Prince fought hard to preserve. For her mother, who studied issues affecting young LGBQT adults, she eventually reasoned that "life is too short" and vowed to stand by her daughter.
After reconciling with her mother, Prince began a YouTube channel to tell her coming-out story, only this time, with her mother by her side.
Designing Her Dream Girl
A true Unicorn, Prince exercised her powers when she met her wife—a woman she envisioned during one of her darkest moments. At the time, she was grieving the loss of her 4 year old daughter and grandmother.
In a moment of clarity, she sat down and wrote out the qualities, characteristics, and appearance she desired in her true perfect love. She did so in a letter titled "Dear Future Wife".
Soon after the pen ink drying, a social media follower from London reached out, expressing to Prince that she was beautiful. Not thinking much of it, Prince engaged in the pleasantries, communicating night-and-day, till the two decided to meet in person.
When the day for the two to meet finally came, Prince was floored to discover the woman who traveled across the world from London to San Diego matched exactly what she had designed as her dream girl.
Prince’s advice? “Sit with yourself and truly connect with what you envision your perfect partner to be. Visualize what the relationship / connection would feel like, how you would treat one another and be very specific when you take note of this, write it down.”
With her now-wife, the two moved to Miami to take their careers as social media influencers to new heights. Although they currently entertain their large following with light hearted jokes and fun pranks, Prince intends to continue telling her truth as the voice she needed when she was a child.
Consistent with our Unicorn Features, we sat down with Prince to discuss her purpose, the challenges she has faced, and projects you should know about.
How do you describe your purpose in life as a Unicorn?
"As a unicorn, my purpose in life is to become the person my inner child needed and share that person with the world. I aspire to inspire people to dream big, believe in true unconditional love and have the guts to become the best version of themselves. Dream big, and find the extraordinary in the ordinary. I believe that we manifest and experience anything under the Sun with faith, a clear vision, and the willingness to go after it. We are limitless and each have unique gifts that we are meant to explore. I just want to be an example to those that look like me and have gone through similar experiences and show that your circumstances don’t define you. Ultimately, my mission is to be a beacon of hope, inspiration, and light for those that I cross paths with whether it be online or offline."
How did you identify your purpose? Were there any major obstacles along the way?
"I identified my purpose through a journey of self-discovery and exploration. They say seek and you shall find! However, there were some major experiences that shaped my desire to become more than just your average human being. In 2017 I lost both my 4-year-old daughter and grandmother to cancer, my daughter took her last breath right beside me. And my grandmother and I didn’t have a good relationship, in fact, we weren’t even on speaking terms when she passed away. Being that close to death put life into perspective for me. I watched my baby suffer while fighting for her life, and there was nothing I could do to help ease her pain or save her. That was the year that everything changed for me. I decided then that I would live an active and healthy lifestyle which motivated me to nurture my mind, body and soul. That is the pain that fueled my urge to find my purpose, passion, voice, and true love."
What tips would you provide others to identify their purpose?
"To identify your purpose, start by taking responsibility and ownership of your life. Understand that no one is coming to save you. However you have the ability to save yourself! Build up your self confidence by doing things that are uncomfortable but have a positive payoff, like working out, meditating and or journaling. In order to see a change you must be the change you want to see. Live intentionally and on purpose, your habits and actions compound over time and make up your entire life. I believe that if you desire to seek your purpose, it will unfold right before your eyes."
How can people find you?
"My two main platforms are Instagram and YouTube.
My YouTube channel is fun and lighthearted content that I do beside my beautiful Wife, Maynards TV. And my Instagram page is PR1NCExxx."

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